

I was recently conscious that the rhythm which we live our lives with it looks like a marathon competition. For passing the finish line you need practice and a strong will. 
But what is the matter after all? We run! We run and run and forget about the people we meet, forget the nature that surrounds us and loves us, we forget to enjoy as much the sunshine as the rain drops. 
I’m experiencing a great revelation: our life is like a journey. Who leaves home and sabotage his/her own vacation? 
I’ve been lost for too long, not-knowing what to believe and which road to choose, who to trust. 
As a traveler I stop and enjoy the fields filled with flowers, the shadow of the trees in the middle of the summer, the breathe of a cool wind, the songs of summer birds, a rain drop... 
I’m grateful for all these wonders of the world and I’m grateful for my life, for I can see,hear, taste, smell, feel. I am so happy for beginning my journey I feel to shout for the top of my lungs „I AM HAPPY, I AM ALIVE!”, I wish all could share this feeling with me. 
I’ve stopped running. Now I’m walking, experimenting, scouting new paths, give love... I am happy for the smallest flower, I am happy for hearing the voice of the Earth, I’m happy being me. 
What a wonderful journey! Extraordinary people cross paths with me!

I’m lucky and I’m on vacation: I CAN DO EVERYTHING!

Each time I feel like running I hear the alarm: „Hey! You’re in vacation! Enjoy! Learn something from it and always do things you love!”.

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